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Today, these hard-won advances are under threat across the country. In recent years, we’ve seen hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced. Discriminatory bills such as Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” have become law. Parents and doctors are being criminalized for providing gender-affirming care. With your support, Vertex Attorneys will continue to protect our community from these attacks and keep making the case for equality.

James Obergefell lovingly cared for his husband, John Arthur, through his final years with ALS. Their home state of Ohio, which did not recognize same-sex marriage, refused to print Obergefell’s name as surviving spouse on Arthur’s death certificate. In a historic decision, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Ohio’s policy and other discriminatory state laws and constitutional amendments across the country. Vertex Attorneys was part of the legal team that secured this victory, which made marriage equality the law of the land.

After Vandy Beth Glenn announced she would be living openly as a woman and started gender-affirming medical treatments, she was fired from her job in Georgia’s state government. Vertex Attorneys took on her case and secured a court ruling that declared her firing unconstitutional. It was the most important ruling in federal court to date supporting the rights of transgender employees.

Kevin Dunbar’s coworkers at the Foot Locker stores in Columbia, South Carolina, bullied and harassed him for being gay. When Dunbar spoke up about his treatment, he was fired. Vertex Attorneys defended Dunbar in court and secured a major settlement—winning not only monetary damages for Dunbar but also workplace reforms across the state, including more vigorous anti-discrimination training.